I've reached a point where I've just stopped wondering where all of my time goes. Because I'd still be wondering what happened to July, not mentioning October.
It's probably where all of my hair-bands go.
Not that I'm complaining that it's November. I love November. I love Autumn, I love food day (It's called Thanksgiving, Stomach, stop trying to type for me.), I love going outside, I love blankets and hot coffee drinks and all of that nonsense.
It's just that I swear to you I went to bed sometime in July and I woke up today with everyone trying to convince me it was already November. What is this conspiracy?
(Common Sense is so done with Brain's shenanigans right now)
Life has been crazy. Life has always been crazy and if I were to place a bet I would say life will always be crazy from this moment on. (But hey, at least I'd be making some money from it). I feel like I've been in a haze of busy since April at least. Work has been a constant and for the last couple of months I've been fighting off the intense inconvenience that is my very own Cave Mode (Complete with 'Anti-social' dragon and everything). That on top of everything else has made it very difficult to find time to write a blog post, or do anything that wasn't work or watching British murder mysteries for that matter.
But after weeks of fighting it, I have triumphed! I have faced the 'Anti-social' dragon and I have beat it in the face until it became a passive lump, laying in it's own shame. It's still in the middle of my floor though, which hinders a couple of things, but at least (hopefully) it won't cause as much trouble as it has been.
To be fair though, I haven't been completely worthless. I've managed to get some writing done for my comic (which is currently going through some kind of teenage phase and not cooperating with me nearly at all.) and I didn't hide in my room from the responsibilities that are assigned to me. I think that's pretty darn impressive.
Anyway, except a couple of events that will be explained in further detail later, I'm just going to pretend that past couple of months didn't happen, that I really did just go to sleep yesterday in July and everyone is lying about the date for some reason I may never understand.